Friday 30 January 2009


We have now finished all of ourfilming and have started to edit the title sequence. We intend to experiment with the effects and audio sounds. Our main idea for the title sequence is to give it an old fashioned look.

The firts place we filmed was located at Samuel Montagu centre. We used an old and Isolated rugby shower room, in order to create the effect needed we covered the windows and deliberatly placed the fake blood to give it a horror effect.

The next place was a dark corridor.We used set up lighting to place the lighting in the right position, it turned out exactly as we planned because we intended the corridor to have very little light just enough to make out very fine and little detail of the scene.

Next we used a dark room with black walls. This was to film the scene with the jewellery box and the scene with the killer present and making the model of the "dolls house". We used little light because out main aim of that scene was to make the camera focus on either the jewellery box or the killer making the model of the murder victims.

Next to film was the sink scene this was our final scene to film. we filled a plain white sink with water and fake blood and had fake blood slowly dribbling in to the sink from above.

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