The title sequence was mainly aimed at the age groups from 16 to 25, during the title sequence we made sure the murderer was not seen, simply because we felt the audience would be more intrigued and curios to who the killer was.

Our main character could be compared to people like the killer "Jigsaw from the film Saw. I say this because both murderers tease their killers, in a way tests their abilities and the need to survive. The idea of the murderer's intentions could be compared to a game in the way she treats her victims, she enjoys chasing after them and almost provoking them into the positions she wants them.
The main character in our title sequence is:
- Is a female in her early 20's
- Scarred previously at a young age causing her dislike to those whose lives revolve around beauty and have a materialistic life style.
- Schizophrenic, lives an everyday lifestyle but soon changes.
- We learn from the title sequence that shes dangerous and enjoys playing with her victims.
- Becomes obsessive towards people and her victims.
The victims in the title sequence all connect in similar ways. All are obsessed with beauty and materialistic things. All young and naive, all teenage girls who have come across their killer in some way. We made our characters all reasonably similar ages mainly because we felt the audience that we were aiming for would be more interesting in seeing the film.
In conclusion I believe that our title sequence does represent certain social groups and and appeals to the right stereotype of people. Not only will the media help in convincing people to see the film but it will appeal to what most people ranging in that age group will want to see.
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